Two Sentence Horror Stories
Summary: Two Sentence Horror Stories is an anthology horror television series. Each episode is 20 minutes long and has a different plot every time. It currently has two seasons available and is an ongoing series. Review: Don't let this show's name fool you. The word "horror" is in its name, but every episode I've seen feels more creepy than scary. Two Sentence Horror Stories is a series that doesn't require you to commit to watching every single episode. There is no specific storyline or recurring characters. If you've seen another Netflix show called "Black Mirror," this series gives off the same vibes. I recommend watching this if you're in the mood to be spooked but not terrified. Since every episode is different, you'll see various scenarios of characters encountering possible killers, the paranormal, or non-human figures. Some episodes left me confused as the ending was open-ended and left entirely up to how the audience imagin...